Tolbooth Museum, Stonehaven Harbour, Aberdeenshire AB39 2JU 07512 466329
Stonehaven Tolbooth

On Tuesday 2nd October 2019, T.R.H. The Prince Charles, Duke of Rothesay and the Duchess of Rothesay paid an official visit to Stonehaven and to the Tolbooth Museum. Welcomed to Kincardineshire earlier that morning by H.M. Lord Lieutenant, Mrs Carol Kinghorn, the royal couple visited Dunnottar Castle, as the Prince had expressed a wish to see this very famous Scottish castle for the first time. They arrived on a lovely sunny morning and enjoyed a brisk walk from the cliff top down the many steps and up to the Castle on its impressive rocky outcrop. They then travelled by car to Stonehaven Harbour, passing the distinctive war memorial perched on the Black Hill, and down the Bervie Braes road, enjoying the fine panoramic views over Stonehaven Bay. Arriving in front of the Tolbooth, Mrs Kinghorn presented Mrs Cressida Coates, Chairperson of the Tolbooth Association, surrounded by many of the volunteers in their red fleeces and members of the public.

The Duke and Duchess spent about 15 minutes touring the Museum and commented on many of the fascinating items on display. They met and chatted with almost all the volunteers present and learned why the Museum is such a special place to visit. Leaving the Museum, both took time to greet the boys and girls of Dunnottar Primary School who had come especially from the school with their teachers.
The Duke and Duchess then drove by car to the Market Square, where they were met by a large and friendly crowd, and visited three food outlets. First was, Charles McHardy, Butchers where they were welcomed by Robert Clark, Proprietor and then on to Giulianotti's where Marjorie Stephen displayed her award-winning ice creams and lastly to Grainger' s Deli where the couple sampled the cheeses and pates on offer.

It was a special day for Stonehaven. The Duke and Duchess took time to speak to as many as possible and clearly enjoyed their visit to our town.

At shop




Opening Hours

Free Admission - Everyone Welcome

Monday 1:30pm - 4:30pm
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 1:30pm - 4:30pm
Thursday 1:30pm - 4:30pm
Friday 1:30pm - 4:30pm
Saturday 1:30pm - 4:30pm
Sunday 1:30pm - 4:30pm

Sorry We Are Closed

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Stonehaven Tolbooth
Stonehaven Tolbooth Association
Old Pier, Stonehaven Harbour,
Scotland. United Kingdom
AB39 2JU
Phone: (mob) 07512 466329 (Opening hours only)
OSCR Charity: SC043279
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