Tolbooth Museum, Stonehaven Harbour, Aberdeenshire AB39 2JU 07512 466329
Stonehaven Tolbooth

lightbulbSince we took over the museum from Aberdeenshire Council the committee has had concerns over the low level of lighting available in the building. Neither the Council nor ourselves had the financial resources to renew the lighting but the committee were determined to find a solution. After a number of years of fund raising, together with two donations from the Stonehaven & District Lions Club and a sizeable grant from the Meikle Carewe Windfarm Community Fund, we are now in a position to change the lighting. The contract has been awarded to a local firm and will entail the replacement of the existing 50w halogen lamps with modern 9w LED lamps. All the existing tracking will be replaced and extended with the outcome of a much brighter interior. In addition energy consumption will be reduced by 70% which will help to reduce the museum's carbon footprint.

At the moment we are unsure when the upgrade will be undertaken and it might mean closing the museum for a couple of days. We hope that all our visitors will understand if we are forced to close to permit the upgrade. In the meantime a heartfelt thanks to all those that contributed to the 'lighting fund.'


Opening Hours

Free Admission - Everyone Welcome

Monday 1:30pm - 4:30pm
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 1:30pm - 4:30pm
Thursday 1:30pm - 4:30pm
Friday 1:30pm - 4:30pm
Saturday 1:30pm - 4:30pm
Sunday 1:30pm - 4:30pm

Sorry We Are Closed

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Stonehaven Tolbooth
Stonehaven Tolbooth Association
Old Pier, Stonehaven Harbour,
Scotland. United Kingdom
AB39 2JU
Phone: (mob) 07512 466329 (Opening hours only)
OSCR Charity: SC043279
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