Tolbooth Museum, Stonehaven Harbour, Aberdeenshire AB39 2JU 07512 466329
Stonehaven Tolbooth
Memorial ModelThe Stonehaven War Memorial on the Blackhill is an iconic feature of our town. It was designed by a local architect (John Ellis) and opened in 1923 to honour all those who fell in WW1. The memorial also contains the names of local individuals who were lost in WW2.It is thought that John Elllis's design was based on a ruined Greek temple overlooking a fishing village in Salonika. It was also designed to appear incomplete when viewing the top parapet. These factors all contribute to make the...

At shopAs 2019 draws to a close it is only natural to review the previous 12 months and gauge how the museum has preformed. What a year it has been!In May we were informed that the museum had been included in the UK edition of the Lonely Planet Guide - only 2 Stonehaven attractions were selected for inclusion.Also in May we started to receive weekly visits from Globus Tours. Their clients were mainly North American (USA and Canada) and these visits ran until September. The feedback received by...

At shopOn Tuesday 2nd October 2019, T.R.H. The Prince Charles, Duke of Rothesay and the Duchess of Rothesay paid an official visit to Stonehaven and to the Tolbooth Museum. Welcomed to Kincardineshire earlier that morning by H.M. Lord Lieutenant, Mrs Carol Kinghorn, the royal couple visited Dunnottar Castle, as the Prince had expressed a wish to see this very famous Scottish castle for the first time. They arrived on a lovely sunny morning and enjoyed a brisk walk from the cliff top down the many...

donate please1We now live in a society which is gradually moving away from cash and adopting the use of 'plastic'. On the one hand this can be considered a good move as there is less weight to carry around in either the purse or pocket and it is far more convenient for the majority of individuals. However, there is another side to the argument; charities like ourselves rely heavily on cash donations from our visitors. Less cash being carry around means that eventually cash donations will decline with an...

It was sadness that we learnt that the Stonehaven Heritage Society had decided to wind up its activities. The Society has been active for nearly 40 years and in that time it has researched Stonehaven's rich history, educated the community and answered innumerable questions raised by the Stonehaven diaspora. It has also played a significant role in maintaining links between the local community and expatriats. However, time moves on and evidently it was becoming more and more difficult to find...

Opening Hours

Free Admission - Everyone Welcome

Monday 1:30pm - 4:30pm
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 1:30pm - 4:30pm
Thursday 1:30pm - 4:30pm
Friday 1:30pm - 4:30pm
Saturday 1:30pm - 4:30pm
Sunday 1:30pm - 4:30pm

Sorry We Are Closed

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Stonehaven Tolbooth
Stonehaven Tolbooth Association
Old Pier, Stonehaven Harbour,
Scotland. United Kingdom
AB39 2JU
Phone: (mob) 07512 466329 (Opening hours only)
OSCR Charity: SC043279
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